OCLC’s GreenGlass collection analysis tool will be implemented to develop a shared preservation strategy for physical materials
The increasing pressure of collections on the available space is an ongoing concern for Quebec University Libraries. For that reason, the Library Subcommittee mandated a shared preservation working group to develop a shared strategy for the preservation of physical collections at Quebec University Libraries.
Benchmarking physical collections at Quebec University Libraries represents an essential step and a prerequisite when developing collective preservation strategies. Quebec University Libraries have selected OCLC’s GreenGlass to perform this analysis. Starting in the winter of 2022, institutions will use GreenGlass to access their collection inventory data once it has been extracted by OCLC.
Initially, the shared preservation working group will focus on the analysis of monograph collections before tabling a shared preservation strategy proposal for Quebec University Libraries in the fall of 2022. To achieve this, the working group will use key findings and best practices stemming from the information gathered on partnerships engaged in a shared preservation program conducted by members of the Library Subcommittee support team in the summer of 2021.